What You Get With Membership

For the past 22 years, I have been a proud member of the American Academy of Physical Therapy (AAPT). I was first introduced to the Academy in the summer of 2000 after graduating from Winston-Salem State University with my Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy. The Academy hosted a board prep course for new graduates, and there I had the honor of meeting Dr. Lynda Woodruff. Over the years, Dr. Woodruff was my mentor, motivator, and friend. In 2014, she convinced me to go back to school to earn my Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy at Alabama State University. At that time, I was proudly induced into the “Woody Baby” club. It is because of her leadership and lecturing, that I am now back in school pursuing my Doctor of Science in Health Science.
The Academy has been more than just an organization for me but a family. The education and networking opportunities I have received by attending conference has been life changing. I have served as Executive Secretary, Membership Chair, Conference Chair, and most recently the Executive Director of the AAPT. The Academy has fueled my passion for healthcare disparities and supporting African-Americans in their pursuit of healthcare careers.

I have been affiliated with AAPT since 2004. I was a bright eyed second year DPT student at the awesome Alabama State University. I was also Dr. Woodruff’s graduate assistant. A position that I will treasure for life. I am officially the last student to serve her in this capacity. I was told by Dr. Woodruff to be in Atlanta to attend the AAPT’s annual conference. Upon my arrival to the Westin, I was then told that I would assist a PT by the name of Kristin with the AAPT’s annual conference. 18 years later, if Kristin calls me to help with anything that AAPT does, I am there.
My parents raised me to be the strong and determined person that I am. The Academy raised me to be the therapist that I am.

"Physical therapy (PT) has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My father, Leon Anderson Jr., Dr. Linda Woodruff, BV Clemons, and other giants in our profession played a significant role in molding me into the clinician/businessman I am today. I have tapped into their sage advice during every major milestone of my life. When I had questions about my future as it related to PT or our profession in general, my father had the answer or knew someone in the organization who could help.
I was exposed to innovative ideas and different perspectives during countless meetings and discussions which lasted well into the night in my parents’ hotel room at PT conferences. These gatherings led to the elevation of the PT profession for black students and PT’s.
I participated in Dr. Woodruff’s Physical Therapy Enrichment Experience program before heading to PT school. It was like a boot camp and prepared me for EVERY aspect of PT school. That was where I met my clinical mentor and current AAPT President Rob Tillman. His clinical tutelage has been immeasurable as it relates to building a successful private practice. I strongly believe in this organization and what it has to offer. I have held just about every major office in it. I have developed valuable relationships with black PT’s across the nation because of my affiliation with the AAPT. I have continued my father and Dr. Woodruff’s legacy by mentoring countless students and younger PTs.
I strongly suggest becoming a member and getting involved with the AAPT."